Map of your dreams

We have recently welcomed the New Year. For many people, this is the time to make summaries, plans and the moment to set goals for the next year.

One of the tools useful in this process is the so-called dream map. It is nothing but a “visualization” of our desires, or more precisely a projection of our dream life.

I consciously haven’t used the word „goal” in this context, because that makes me think of business and the so-called SMART methodology used for goals setting, which is looking at things mainly in the context of tasks to be performed.

In my opinion, the most important thing in the process of creation of such a map is, in the first place, the sincere and deep reflection on what I really would like my life to look like, why is that, and not the other way around, what the real needs of my heart are (not what I should do, or what others expect from me). It is also a reflection on whether the way I live now brings me closer to this dream state, or maybe distances me from it. Setting the goals and preparation of a tasks’ list is just a by-product in this approach.

When creating a dream map, it’s worth asking yourself various questions, keeping in mind to do so in the context of needs of your heart, your feelings and emotions:

  • What do I want to learn? Why is this knowledge important to me? What will change in my life for the better when I get it?  (eg. instead of setting the goal “I have to make a driving license, because most people have it”  we can admit that “I would like to be independent and mobile and that’s why I really want to be able to drive a car, which will allow me to save a lot of time while commuting to work)
  • How will I take care of my health and my family? (e.g. instead of  “I would like to be slim and beautiful” we can say “I would like to be healthy and have a lot of energy, and that’s why I want to practice some sport and will start eating healthy food. This will allow me to keep my body in a good condition. I will feel very good then.”)
  • What would I like to have? Why is it so important to me?
  • What valueable would I like to give other people? Why?
  • What is my vision of functioning in a relationship? What do I want to give and receive? How will I feel then? How will my husband /wife/ partner feel then? 
  • How do I want to build a relationship with my child?
  • What passion do I want to develop?
  • With what people and where do I want to be? How will I feel then?
  • What is my life mission? What lifestyle do I want to lead? Why is this so important to me? How will I feel then? What do I want to achieve professionally?

Such an approach  will help us find out what our real needs are and will significantly increase our motivation to take appropriate actions in order to meet these needs.

Because, as the well-known saying says:

All our dreams  can come true, if  we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney


Best regards and I wish you the courage and faith in fulfilling your dreams,

Alice signature



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